Who We Are
Harvest Production Ministries (HPM) is a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization under the non-denominational VCY America, Inc. based in Milwaukee, WI. HPM is staffed by full-time and part-time Missionaries who receive no financial support from HPM; and a broad network of volunteers from around the globe. Film crews generally consist of free-lance, skilled technicians with a love for their trade and evangelism. Foreign language projects require our skilled translators to ensure everything is properly translated, idiomatic and correct. Local volunteer talent is used as much as possible for each production phase.
HPM does not pay any salaries. Our volunteers see their efforts as a ministry and do so at their own expense. HPM’s President, Dennis Schermer, is a full-time missionary serving with Harvest Productions Ministries which requires him to raise his own support. This enables 100% of all tax deductible donations to go towards designated projects and/or budgets.